

The whole development of Tooras' product and pertinent toolings and moulds is carried out inside the company itself. This allows exceptional production flexibility, giving its customers a quick and continuous service aimed to satisfy any need. In addition to an ISO9001 certification, Tooras' production boasts of other qualitative acknowledgements with stringent contents such as Tï¿V, KBA, JWL, VIA, to present our its worldwide, with a universally safe product. This is allowed by a quality control system including ï¿x-rays, radioscopy, metallographic analyses and ï¿impact-fatigue rimrolling-tests.

T950 platinum 5
17in & 18in
T940 platinum 8
17in &18in
T970 split five
17in &18in

T910 dish spoke
17in &18in
A790 canonica rallye
17in &18in
T230 / T240 multi spoke
17in &18in

All wheels supplied
ï¿with new nuts/bolts
Great deals on
wheel & tyres builds

All can be fitted here

For extra security choose McGard wheel locks

mono toora ï¿18in
ï¿ ï¿

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